Saturday, March 29, 2025


Club 7 Games Day at White Head Hall from 10 a.m. till noon. Tea and coffee served. All are welcome.


The Chedabucto Bay Quilters meet at the Boylston Community Centre from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. New members / visitors are welcome.


Services for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada are 9:30 a.m. at St. John’s in Sherbrooke, 11 a.m. at Kirk in Glenelg and 6:30 p.m. at Bethany / Zion in East River, St. Mary’s.

Fourth Sunday of Lent joint service for the Eastern Guysborough and Mulgrave Pastoral Charges (United Church) will take place at Wesley United Church in Guysborough, 11 a.m. The service will be followed by a potluck lunch downstairs in the hall. All are welcome.

The Annual General Meeting for the Goldboro Isaac’s Harbour Community Development Association will take place at the Goldboro Interpretive Centre, 1 p.m. All are welcome.


Grand Friends at the Moser River Community Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Menu: chicken casserole, rolls and sweets. Activity: guest speaker. All are welcome.

APRIL 1, 8

Lenten Luncheons at Wesley United Church Hall (32 Queen Street., Guysborough) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meal includes soup, roll, tea or coffee and sweets. Cost is $8. Eat-in or take-out.

APRIL 4, 11, 18

The Chedabucto Bay Quilters meet at the Boylston Community Centre from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. New members / visitors are welcome.


Pub Night with music by Mike MacInnis at the Mulgrave Royal Canadian Legion from 8:30 p.m. till midnight. Admission is $7 per person (19+). Cash bar and 50/50 draw.


Fifth Sunday of Lent services for the Eastern Guysborough and Mulgrave Pastoral Charges (United Church) are 9 a.m. at St. Paul’s United in Canso, 11 a.m. at Wesley United in Guysborough and 1 p.m. at Trinity United in Mulgrave. All are welcome.

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Services for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada are 9:30 a.m. at Kirk in Glenelg, 11 a.m. at Bethany / Zion in East River, St. Mary’s and 6:30 p.m. at St. John’s in Sherbrooke.


Club 7 and the Larry’s River Fire Department will host a Fraud / Scam, Vial for Life Session and Safety Talk with RBC, RCMP and the Fire Department at Communities Along the Bay in Larry’s River from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A light lunch will be served. If interested and to help gauge the number of participants for lunch, please RVSP via email at or by phone at 902-525-2534.


Devoted to Diversity will host Inclusion NS at the Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex, 1 p.m. Join us for an important presentation: The Human Rights Remedy and Imagining What is Possible. We will discuss the remedy mandate itself as well as resources for families, businesses and the community as a whole. This is to support and build a better future for those we care about with varied needs. A disability coalition member will be there to guide discussion and answer questions. Light snacks and beverages will be served. For more information, contact Amber Hart by emailing or by calling 920-870-1072.

APRIL 10, 24

The Chedabucto Bay Quilters meet at the Boylston Community Centre from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. New members / visitors are welcome.


Palm Sunday services for the Eastern Guysborough and Mulgrave Pastoral Charges (United Church) are 9 a.m. at St. Matthew’s United in Bayfield and 11 am at Boylston United in Boylston. All are welcome.

Literature Event – Book Reading at Culture Club Sherbrooke, 17 Main Street, from 3 to 4 p.m. The selection will be Voltaire’s Workshop: The Sources of Candide, with Autor Edward M. Langille – Sherbrooke resident and retired French language and literature professor (StFX), a leading Voltaire scholar, and research fellow at the Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford. Voltaire (1694–1778) was a French writer, essayist and philosopher known for his wit, satire and defense of civil liberties. He advocated for freedom of speech, freedom of religion and separation of church and state. Admission is free / donations are welcome.


There will be a Chili Lenten Luncheon on at Wesley United Church Hall in Guysborough from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eat-in or take-out. Cost is $8 and the meal includes chili, a roll and sweets.


Good Friday Services for the Eastern Guysborough and Mulgrave Pastoral Charges (United Church) are 9 a.m. at St. Paul’s United in Canso, 11 a.m. at Boylston United in Boylston; and 1 p.m. at St. Matthew’s United in Bayfield. All are welcome.


Easter Sunday Services for the Eastern Guysborough and Mulgrave Pastoral Charges (United Church) are 9 a.m. at St. Paul’s United in Canso, 11 a.m. at Wesley United in Guysborough and 1 p.m. at Trinity United in Mulgrave. All are welcome.


Join us for an Official Art Exhibit Launch – showcasing the works of community members who have participated in ArtWorks East workshops — at the Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex from 2 to 4 p.m. The event will feature hands-on workshops with expert instruction in stained glass, weaving, wood burning, collage, and more – perfect for all ages and skill levels. The event is open to everyone and free of charge. Participants will also have the chance to win door prizes, including art supplies. The exhibit will run for two weeks and will be displayed in the facility’s foyer during regular hours of operation.

Hip Hop Music Session with Angel Ann Julian, “AJ the MC”, at Culture Club Sherbrooke (17 Main Street) from 7 to 9 p.m. Angel is an African-American and Mi’kmaw indigenous singer-songwriter from Pictou Landing First Nation located just outside of New Glasgow. As a musician, Angel enjoys the writing process, taking her experiences and sharing them through music and expressing her ideas to listeners. She has been nominated for Music Nova Scotia indigenous artist of the year 2024 ( Admission is free / donations are welcome.


Mini-Cribbage at the Mulgrave Royal Canadian Legion. 1 p.m. For more information, visit us on Facebook.

St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada JAM Club – Jesus And Me (our Charge’s program for children and all ages Sunday School) takes place every second Sunday at Kirk in Glenelg, 2 p.m.


Join us for “Grandfriends” at the Moser River Community Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Enjoy games and crafts along with a cup of tea with treats. All are welcome.


Everyone is welcome to join the Triple Cs – Coffee, Conversation and Creativity – in the basement of the Baptist Church in New Harbour from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Bring your knitting, crocheting, hooking, colouring, etc. – or just come for the socialization.

Canso Lions TV Bingo, 6 p.m. Play at the Lions Club or at home by watching on Cable 6.

45 Card Plays at the Moser River Community Hall, 7:30 p.m.

Sherbrooke Opportunities (SHOPS) Toonie Draw is held every week. Play your toonies before noon on Tuesdays or contact us for pre-play option for your chance to win. Boxes are located at Buds quickway, Cloverfarm, Sherbrooke Garage, Whitney’s Corner Store and Smokey Hollow General. For more information, email


Want to improve your reading, writing, math or technology skills? GALA Adult Learner’s Classes take place at the Mulgrave and Area Medical Center from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information, call 902-533-4252 email

Sherbrooke Opportunities Society (SHOPS) Toonie Draw, held every week. Play your toonie before 4 p.m. on Tuesday. Boxes are at Bud’s Quickway, Clover Farm, Sherbrooke Garage, Feltmate & Son Enterprises, Rhynold’s Gas & Confectionary and Whitney’s Corner Store. For more information, contact

Survivors of Suicide Support Group – for anyone who has lost someone to suicide – meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month (except December when it will meet on the third Wednesday) at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Antigonish from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free / open to all. For more information, please call 902-863-5089 or email

Men’s Group for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada takes place at St. John’s in Sherbrooke, 7 p.m.

45 Card Plays at the Mulgrave Royal Canadian Legion. 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit us on Facebook.

The Eastern Shore Lifestyles Centre Weekly Toonie Hope Chest 50/50 Draw. Play your weekly toonie by noon or pay in advance at Sheet Harbour Irving, Mika’s ESSO, Sheet Harbour Discount & Gift or Gizmos in Moser River. Sponsored by the Sheet Harbour Lions Club. AGD-106640-24.


Want to improve your reading, writing, math or technology skills? GALA Adult Learner’s Classes take place at the Mulgrave and Area Medical Center from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information, call 902-533-4252 email

Women’s Bible Study for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada takes place at St. John’s in Sherbrooke, 10 a.m.

UCW for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada takes place the first Thursday of every month at Jo-Ann MacGrath’s in Aspen, 2 p.m.

Men’s Group for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada takes place at St. John’s in Sherbrooke, 7 p.m.

Finding Freedom AA Closed Meeting at St. John’s United Church, Sherbrooke from 7 to 8 p.m. Please be aware that attendance is limited to those who have a desire to stop drinking.

Fun Darts Meeting at the Moser River Community Hall, 7:30 p.m.


$5 Bag Sale at Cascades Thrift Shop in Sheet Harbour. Includes clothes, shoes and purses. Shop hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Tuesdays to Fridays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays.

St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada invites you to join us for The Living Room – a relaxed living room / cafe atmosphere for contemporary worship, prayer, praise and time for just being together as community. Held in the lower hall of St. John’s United Church, Sherbrooke beginning at 7 p.m.

Youth Group (Grades 9-12) for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge / The United Church of Canada takes place every second Friday at Kirk in Glenelg from 7:30 to 9 p.m.


Buy Nova Scotia Legion 50/50 Fundraiser Tickets in support of the Mulgrave Royal Canadian Legion online at Draw takes place weekly at 5 p.m. IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to select “Mulgrave Branch 37” in the “In Support Of” drop-down box before you purchase your tickets.

Chase the Ace at the Goldboro Interpretive Centre from 6 to 8 pm – with the draw taking place at 8:15 pm. Cost is $5 for three (3) tickets and the game will continue every Saturday until the Ace is found.

Bingo at St. Joseph’s Parish in Port Felix, 7:30 p.m.